Friday, March 8, 2013

The Phoenix Process

The Phoenix Process
Tim Connor

If you are struggling in any area of your life, career or business and have never seen the movie The Flight of The Phoenix, I suggest you watch it soon.

As I was recently watching it, the idea to write this article hit me between the eyes – not for you but for me.

Sooner or later we all struggle with one of life’s challenges or adversities or even failure and we have a choice – give in or rise again!

Someone once told me I could have written that movie based on my life story – well this won’t be my story – would be too long but to the point of this movie.

When we attempt anything of significance; a new business, a new career, a new relationship or any momentous life change that requires courage and strong self-belief, we will many times have to give in, surrender or go down in flames where the stirring of passion, will and desire can keep us from just giving up without a fight.  This is a testing time – testing your faith, your beliefs and your ability and willingness to begin again often from scratch without knowing whether you will one day rise again or just stay surrounded by the ashes of defeat forever.

Having risen again and again during my life and career I can tell you that the potential of finally one day winning is a far better personal philosophy than accepting the ruins of what disaster offers you should you decide that “I guess this was meant to be or all I can expect!”  It was meant to be if you choose that path.  But there is always another one you can take filled with opportunity, potential and success and yes – risk, uncertainty and unknowns that will plague your road ahead.

The key to the journey that lies ahead can be found either in your spirit that wants only the best for you and your future or your mind that can be filled with doubt, fear and non-stop negative thoughts, feelings and worries.

The Phoenix process is simple, but not easy and to rise again - it requires patience, trust, action and the ability to be surrounded with turmoil (the flames and ashes of disaster) and see beyond them to a better future.

I don’t care what the cause or circumstances of your current or past flames causing your present situations no matter how dire or discouraging – we all face them sooner or later – the question and the choice are the same – what are you going to do – rise again or accept what appears to be your destiny.  I would add - that to allow appearances to determine your actions and decisions is nothing more than delusion and fear ruling your life. Nothing of significance has ever been created or accomplished in the history of the world without a few Phoenix crashes along the way.  Think about it – space travel, independence, a new business enterprise or a life long relationship – they all have their Phoenix moments or even years but in the end – these people and institutions rose again because they refused to accept the status quo or conventional wisdom.

If life is sailing along wonderfully for you right now – great – but beware – life always requires a Phoenix experience before greatness or even average success can be achieved.  If you are surrounded by flames without hope, faith or courage – accept what is and rise again.  If you can I will guarantee you that one day you will look back and say to yourself – that Phoenix experience was necessary for me to be where I am now or to be who I have become.  It was a blessing but only if you embraced it, learned from it and rose again with dignity and positive anticipation from it.

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