Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Expecting Different Results

Expecting different results . . .
Tim Connor

. . . you’ve heard it, we’ve all heard it (expecting different results from repeated behavior is a mild form of insanity!) So why remind you of it once again?

Well for starters it seems that many people today just don’t buy it or don’t act consistent with its message (no matter how many times they have heard or said it) so let me ask you – are you repeating any behaviors/attitudes/decisions (sales, management, relationship, financial etc.) and expecting better outcomes or results?  I’ll guarantee everyone reading this article is guilty in some area of their life of the words and not the actions.  “Not me.” You say . . . are you sure?

The central message behind these words is far more complicated than the words themselves.  Let me explain. Here’s human behavior 101 -

“ “Expecting – Anticipate, hope, desire, predict or foresee.

Different – Unique, better, unusual, special or dissimilar.

Results – Outcomes, circumstances, situations or consequences.

From Repeated – Come on – you know this one!

Behavior – How we act, respond, decide, function or feel that contributes to our behavior.

Is a Mild – Not extreme but present nonetheless.

Form of Insanity” “ – Do I really need to explain this one?

Reality is such a strange and uncomfortable circumstance for many people as they would prefer to live in denial or even defiance.  This life approach is guaranteed to bring situations to your experience that can often be painful, stressful, disappointing or even cause regret, resentment or even anger none of which is a healthy emotion if you want to know peace, happiness and even success.

Why is it that so many people want to point their finger, blame others or just feel victimized due to the events that life brings to each of us?  From my perspective it’s the unwillingness to take complete and personal responsibility for actions, decisions or behavior.  These folks refuse to look in the mirror whether a CEO or the receptionist, the VP of Manufacturing or a new sales representative, a small business owner or new parent.  This list could go on so I ask you – is it in your DNA to always take responsibility or do you ever find yourself wanting to blame God or some other reason or person for your current negative circumstances or events that have come into your life?

Trust me, I’m not happy with many of the career or personal decisions I have made in the past, but in the end, I must admit that I made them or did them and looking outside myself for reasons or causes is an act of total futility and often immaturity.  Yes, I’m in that special club where I expected different or better results from repeated behaviors or decisions, but looking back there was always a lesson or possible “aha” moment if I would just stop for a moment and live in reality and not some fantasy-filled world where everything is always supposed to work out the way I planned or desired.  

Behavior creates results.  If you want different results in the future you have two choices – make different decisions and/or change behavior, it’s really that simple – not that changing behavior is simple, but often the effort to change behavior is far better and/or easier than dealing with repetitive negative outcomes or situations because you were unwilling or unable to change.

I’ve said enough, you either agree with me or you don’t.  You are willing to accept responsibility or you are not. You are growing, improving and learning or you are not.

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