Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Ten Ten Ten One Hundred Decision Process

The 10-10-10-100
Decision Process
Tim Connor

Ever made a decision that in hindsight you wish you hadn’t made or had made it differently?  Welcome to life.  We all do this numerous times in life as the future and the consequences of any decision are not a certainty.

No decision whether a relationship, financial or career one comes with guarantees that they will work out as we want, need or hope.

Please keep in mind that just because you make a decision means nothing.  What matters are the actions you take as a result of a decision.  But in this article I want to focus on the decision process and not the actions you take or their outcomes although both of these are critical when it comes to what decision you ultimately make.

Decision - something that somebody chooses or makes up his or her mind about, after considering it and other possible choices.

What to consider when making a decision

There are numerous factors we consider when we choose to decide, things like – short or long term consequences, the pain connected with dealing with these consequences, fear of making the wrong decision, the impact of our decision on others, making decisions when under stress – just to mention a few of the common or obvious ones.

What should really drive the decisions we make?

-Can you live with the potential outcomes?
-Do you need more or better information before making a decision?
-Is a decision really the best tactic at the time?
-Do you have the courage to make a decision and then follow-through?
-Do you really have confidence in your decision?
-Are you making the decision for the best reasons?
-Are there other factors that are impacting our decision like; guilt, anger, regret, arrogance, ego needs, other people’s control over us or uncertainty?
-Are you making the decision based on pressure from others?

Why we decide the way we do –

Everyone wants favorable outcomes to their decisions unfortunately we can’t control all of the factors involved in the unfolding of any decision.  There will always be unknowns that we either didn’t prepare for or anticipate.  Any decision comes with obstacles – some small and some major but in the end the ability to ensure the best possible results requires the ability to manage the obstacles and commit to the decision regardless of the roadblocks along the way.

In the end we decide what we hope, believe or feel are in our best interests.  Yes, we may consider the impact on others but most decisions are made for self serving reasons.

Why we avoid decisions –

There’s an old saying that says - failing to make a decision is a decision.  How true. The major reason we avoid any decision is the fear of unknown future circumstances as a result of our decision and action.  We want favorable outcomes but since we can’t ensure these they may cause us to delay, procrastinate or hope for the best without a decision.

The 10- 10 – 10 – 100 process –

This process is simple – First 10 – what could happen within the next ten minutes as a result of a decision? Second 10 – what could happen within the next ten days?  Third ten – what could happen within the next ten months?  And 100 – one hundred years from now - what difference would any decision really make?
When you have to decide – anything - consider this simple formula and then ask yourself – can I handle whatever could take place within these time frames?  If yes – go for it.  If no – spend time in contemplation with the elements above.

“When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision.” 
Lord Falkland

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