Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Take the attitude quiz

Attitude Quiz ©
 Regardless of your position, roles, responsibilities, age, gender, race, religion or experience your    attitudes are the single greatest contributor to your success, happiness, inner peace and the quality of your relationships or the lack of it.  The following quiz is designed to help you identify attitude areas where these are helping you or sabotaging your success.  This is a subjective quiz and it is not meant to be a 100% accurate representation of your behavior due to any attitudes.  It is designed to help you think, consider and evaluate your personal views. The questions do not have right or wrong answers however, the scoring at the end will give you an indication of where your stand regarding this general area. Once you have completed the quiz I recommend you spend additional time considering many of the questions and their relevance to your life, career and/or relationships. To achieve a valid score rank each question on a 1 – 10 scale (1 = no or poor and 10 = yes or excellent).

Here are the questions;

11)   I consider myself an optimistic person  ___
22)   I tend to be very patient   ___
33)   I accept challenges with a positive outlook   ___
44)   I don’t let other people’s issues negatively affect me   ___
55)   I see all change as positive   ___
66)   Problems are opportunities for growth   ___
77)   I am generally in charge of my stress level   ___
88)   I get along with most people even if we have differences   ___
99)   I do a good job of managing my fears   ___
110) I handle conflict in a positive way   ___
111) I don’t let uncertainty negatively impact my actions   ___
112) I make thoughtful decisions no matter what is going on   ___
113) I accept other’s differences with respect   ___
114) I am open to new ideas and approaches   ___
115) I communicate with integrity and honesty   ___
116) I validate others with appreciation and encouragement   ___
117) I am an enthusiastic person   ___
118) I seldom get discouraged   ___
119) I like to have honest discussions about difficult topics   ___
220) I accept criticism with a positive outlook   ___
221) I seldom get defensive   ___
222) I consider myself a spiritual person   ___
223) I have faith about my future   ___
224) I surround myself with positive people   ___
225) I am not overly concerned with political correctness   ___
226) I am true to my beliefs no matter what   ___
227) I consider myself a lifelong learner   ___
228) I let go of old emotional baggage quickly   ___
229) I am a forgiving person   ___
330) All of these questions were easy to answer   ___

My Score:  _______ 
Attitude Quiz - Point Scoring

290 – 300 – You are perfect.
280-290 – You think you are perfect.
250 – 280 – You are above average.
225 – 250 – You are normal.
200 – 225 – You are on the border of needing to do some self-work.
Less than 200 – You have a lot of work to do on yourself.

I am _________________________

I need to work on;

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