Is it the journey or the destination?
Tim Connor
As we travel
through life we all follow many paths – some lead to success, happiness, health
and enduring relationships while can lead to ruin, pain, regret, grief and
disappointment. We all take the paths
that our inner guidance system and circumstances nudge us along the journey.
Too often as
we travel day by day many of us fail to admit or are even aware of the
consequences, outcomes and the potential destination.
Like you, I
have traveled many paths, some have led to success while others, as I look back
for reasons and motives, and have ended badly.
I am not suggesting that these negative paths don’t bring with them the
potential for growth, learning and maturity but the question remains – could we
have achieved these same benefits if we had travelled more productive paths
rather than the ones that led to destruction.
I would like
to share with you what I believe are twelve of the important things to consider
as you travel on one of many of your paths into the future so you can look back
with satisfaction, peace, joy and a sense of fulfillment.
1 1) Be honest with yourself –
We are all flawed in some way – we are human. Some of these are insignificant issues that
don’t have a serious negative impact on our life while others can send us down
a path of self-destruction sooner or later. I have known many people during my
life who were unable or unwilling to admit or confront some of their flaws that
were contributing to increased stress, anxiety and often regret. Why is this?
Why are we unable to see ourselves clearly - acknowledging traits or
tendencies that do not add to the quality of our life, but steal valuable years
or joy?
Being honest with yourself takes courage, maturity, honesty and often
humility, but in the end if we can come to grips with things that are hurting
our present or future that need to change and then change them - we will - in
the end, gain self-love, confidence and inner peace. We will always be flawed in some way, we are
not perfect humans but this doesn’t mean we can’t take actions to move in the
right direction in life – in other words follow the right or best path rather
than the wrong or worst one.
2 2) Be honest with others – Integrity -
one hundred percent of the time -regardless of a person’s circumstances for
many people is impossible and for most of us variable. Truth often hurts, but
in my experience the pain of truth is nothing compared to the pain of delayed
truth with lies, misrepresentation or misleading actions. The pain of living
with untruth will always be more costly than the pain of being honest.
I know that this is not always possible given
various circumstances and the behavior of others, but in the end we have a
choice – are we going to let other’s potential reactions or potential
circumstances determine our integrity or are we going to find the courage and
compassion to always tell our truth?
Notice I said OUR truth. Our
truth is dependent on our views, mindsets, attitudes, beliefs and
circumstances, but the truth is not a variable.
What we often do is adjust our version of truth so to avoid conflict,
hurting other’s feelings or avoiding present pain or stress.
In the end, being honest with others is always the best policy, a
principle that is losing ground in today’s political correctness way of life.
3 3) Keep asking – If you want better
outcomes and answers you have to keep asking yourself better questions. If you
are unwilling to confront your inner weaknesses with clarity and integrity it’s
doubtful you will ever make the changes necessary to achieve better or
different results.
4 4) Know your passion – Too many people
settle in life driven by temporary and unsatisfying activities. For whatever reason they are afraid to follow
their dreams or passions whether a hobby, career, relationship or business
venture. When we lack true inner passion to accomplish something, anything - we
are setting ourselves up for disappointment and regrets. If there is something inside you that yearns
for you to act, what are you waiting for?
Excuses in the long term will leave you feeling empty and discontented.
5 5) Trust God – Many people say they
trust God and have faith in His actions; possible miracles and responses to
prayer, but most of these folks are only spouting words hoping to satisfy their
need to feel that they are doing enough.
Real trust equals faith and real faith equals trust. Without living both moment by moment you will
always feel let down as things didn’t turn out the way you wanted. You may blame, point your finger or even
scream – God – why me, why now, why not etc. but in the end we are all on God’s
schedule and the sooner we live day by day with this faith and trust we will
never find inner peace and joy.
6 6) Keep learning and growing – I’ll keep
this one short – Are you learning and growing every day? Reading, studying or some other form of
self-development? If not, you have no
right to expect better outcomes in the future. Period.
7 7) Confront your fears – The single
biggest issue and challenge when it comes to following the right path in life
is learning overcome or at least manage your inner fears that can prevent you
from finding the confidence, courage or ability to achieve your dreams. Too many people let their fears get in the
way of their happiness, success, joy and inner peace. When fear masters or controls your life and
its decisions, actions and beliefs – this is a recipe for self-destruction in
either major or minor ways. There should
be no loss of self-respect when you fail unless you have attached your value as
a person to your success and achievements.
The only way to avoid failure and mistakes is to do nothing. Whenever we try; something new, something
different or something better we will always have to deal with potential
disappointment, unrealized expectations or downright disaster, but we don’t
have to let these outcomes define us.
8 8) Pay attention to your thoughts –
Everything that happens in your life is the results of your thoughts. I’m not saying that things you can’t control
like the weather or other people’s actions, but feelings, decisions, actions
and behavior are ultimately the result of your thoughts or thought
patterns. If you want to change anything
– you have to change your thoughts first.
If you feel afraid – ask yourself why?
If you have lost your confidence, passion or belief in something ask
yourself, why? If you are feeling a
negative emotion, ask yourself, why? If
you have lost trust in yourself or others, ask yourself, why?
9 9) Be willing to change – Change is
constant and relentless. Everything
changes sooner or later. People who refuse to accept change as a normal part of
everyday life live with constant fear, frustration and stress. We can’t stop change. We can’t slow change down. We can’t accelerate change. All we can do is make it our life partner or
resist it to our peril.
10) Leave a positive legacy – Your legacy is
built ever day of your life it is not something that is suddenly created during
you last years. You can leave a legacy
of love or fear and your choice will determine how you are remembered. Leaving
a positive legacy requires a few simple attitudes; the desire to serve others,
the ability to contribute to people’s lives in a compassionate, understanding
and loving way, the ability to let go of arrogance and self-importance and
living a life that you will look back in the end and say – I did my best, I put
others needs ahead of my own and I fought the good fight with integrity and
love in my heart.
11) Learn to love – Love is the foundation
for all positive relationships whether with your family, friends, customers,
fellow employees and even total strangers. I’m not talking here about romantic
love, but the simple concepts of respect, compassion and empathy. If you are not living your life from a love
perspective then you are living it from a fear orientation with emotions or
attitudes like; envy, greed, selfishness, jealousy, anger, hatred, distrust
etc. You can’t have it both ways – it’s
living one way or the other.
12) Say thank you often – Gratitude and
appreciation are the foundation for all of life’s continued blessings. Just learn to say thank you no matter what
comes into your life. I know this is not
always easy, but again we have a choice – feel gratitude or resentment and
appreciation or disapproval.
As we travel
our very personal paths through life - where they lead is totally in our
hands. You can blame others,
circumstances, God or even yourself, but in the end our decisions, beliefs,
behaviors, choices, actions and values determine where the paths will lead and how
they will end.
“We meet ourselves time and again in a
disguises on the path of life.”
Carl Jung
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