Monday, March 18, 2019

Every day you are another day closer to . . .

Every day you are another day closer to . . .

Tim Connor

. . . closer to what? Well, think about it - closer to your last day.  I'm not being morbid here, believe me, but I'm asking you to consider - do you know how much time you have left? If not sure how to answer this - I'll do it for you - No One does!  

And yet it's amazing how many people act as if they have forever by squandering days, weeks and even years with no purpose, passion, joy or a sense of adventure and gratitude for the time they are given.

Retire if you will.  Quit if you must.  Give up if you are tired of fighting. Surrender if you feel like life is over. Had enough? OK - Settle if you feel you don't deserve better. Stop trying if you are tired of losing. Cave into others if you are over being criticized, invalidated or belittled. Trust me I can go on with this babble if you want but personally - it's hard to even write this stuff sometimes.

Life is very short and fragile folks.  If you had told me when I was in my twenties that I would be this old now I would have laughed until I cried.  No way. Well, trust me I'll bet some of you might feel the same way.

Why do we wait, postpone, give up, stop trying or just feel like enough is enough and it's time to just let - 'whatever will be will be' - rule our final or closing years however many we feel we might have?

Is it just life wearing us down?  Pride? Our definition of what our final chapter should be like? Or, could it be something more that we haven't taken the time to identify or consider?

During my life regretfully having wasted a lot of days, weeks and even a few years on a few occasions in my career, in a few relationships and life in general, I am in no position to preach, but I do have the right to share what I have learned during my many years.  So here goes.

A great deal of the quality of life is determined by how we define and respond to; adversity, failure, opportunities, success, problems, disappointment, rejection, achievements, and so many other life experiences.

But in the end, we have a choice - let them define us or define them according to our life philosophy, purpose or mission.

We are all going to leave here with either; stuff in our "in-basket" and/or unfinished business, words not said and relationships that needed something done or undone before they ended.  The only way to avoid any or all of these life mistakes is to be "perfect" and trust me none of us are or ever will be - no matter how egotistical, psycho, narcissistic or arrogant some folks "don't think" they are.

So, life's nagging questions of us for everyone sooner or later are always - why aren't you____________?  When are you going to stop____________? When are you going to start__________?  What are you waiting for? When are you going to fix__________? Got a few of your own?  Now might be a good time to ask them.

Life flies by faster than we can possibly imagine and the opportunities we missed or passed up, the things we didn't say or do just keep piling up faster and faster.

Hundreds of people every day are told - you only have so much time to live.  Know anyone like that?  Is it you?  Known someone who had to deal with this? The truth is that each of us is told this every day, oh, not by Physicians or counselors but by life. And the final question I will leave you with is - are you listening?

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