Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What’s in the way - is the way

On the right path into your future?  Not sure – wish you were – you are but it’s taking longer than you thought to get to your destination?  Great questions, ones that I have often asked myself in times of stress, frustration, uncertainty and discouragement.  What’s the answer?  Well as the common phrase says – it is complicated.  Why is it complicated?  Here are a few things to consider.

Is there only one right path?

Each of us is on a path into our future.  It could be the right one or the wrong one but who is to decide?  Millions of people ask every day, “God what is your will for my life?” Regardless of your spiritual inclinations I’ll guarantee you have asked this question at least one so far in your life.  If you haven’t, in my opinion, you are just wandering through life and don’t care or you are willing to accept anything and everything without questioning or challenging.

Yes, some paths might be better, more rewarding, more fun or even easier than others, but in the end do you really think that the path you are on is the primary issue?  We are all heading into our future and just like taking a vacation with a certain destination in mind, there are going to be many routes you can take to arrive there.  What really matters is not the path you are on, but it is it leading you in the right direction?  This is the ultimate question. 

Do you need to be on the right path to achieve success and happiness?

Success and happiness can be defined in hundreds of ways and everyone has their unique interpretation of these life issues.  Being on the path that is the most comfortable and least challenging may appear to be the right one but again the question – is it taking you where you want to be?

Sometimes the right path due to its twists and turns can turn out to be the right path not because of it takes you where you think you want to be but because of the lessons it can teach you along the way.  Now I understand that this might sound contradictory to the above premise but consider – if the path you are on seems right to you now is it because you are dealing with fewer obstacles or because your ego has decided this is where you should go?

In my personal experience I have been on the right path, but many times I have also, due to issues I have experienced, questioned my direction.  The only thing that matters is when your time here is finished can you look back and say with confidence and peace that, “You fought the good fight.” Or in other words, were you true to the desired destination regardless of the ups and downs you experienced while on your journey?

How can you be sure you are on the right one?

Life sends us daily and even moment by moment signs, signals, warnings and guidance.  The problem is that most people are so busy moving that they fail to hear, observe or honor this guidance.

From my perspective when you are on the right path from your viewpoint it doesn’t mean it’s the right path.  And I can tell you – the right path will not be void of challenges, problems, stress, obstacles or even failure.  Let me share a simple idea – when you are on the right path you will have more than your share of trouble than you want – sound contradictory?

So, you might ask – what’s the point then of being on the right path – because I want more adversity?  No, but the purpose of the right path is not always where you end up but what you learn in the process.

Know the path you should take but are afraid to get started.

If this is your challenge all you need to do is ask yourself a question;

What am I afraid of?

Finally to the title of this article – what’s in the way- is the way.  By this I mean as you travel day by day, whatever the goal or destination is the major cause of you not travelling as quickly or easily as you have desired – you – and your; stubbornness, attitudes, fears, ego needs, mindsets, opinions or some other personal life approach? It’s like a child who wants a toy – they will do or say anything to get the toy and they will keep trying everything and anything to achieve their goal.  They fail to consider – do I need this toy, do I really want this toy, will I actually play with it, am I acting foolishly to get something that really doesn’t matter – I could go on for pages with this stuff but in the end what really matters is have we enjoyed the journey and has it given us peace, contentment and a sense of worth or personal value?

There’s a lot more to consider but if you will focus on these topics I’ll guarantee that something will occur to you that you need to start, do, change, stop or reevaluate.  So, why not get started?

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