Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Born(Date) - Died(Date) And between these you did ______?

Born(Date) - Died(Date)  
And between these you did ______? 
Tim Connor

The only thing that is certain in life is that we are all going to die – we don’t know when, where or how but some day we will experience our last day on earth.  So the question is – how are you living each day or how will you live the time you have left? Strange questions?  I don’t think so.

People who accomplish the most in life regardless of its value to themselves or humanity spend their days in pursuit of more or better and I’m not talking about more or better stuff but more or better experiences that add value to their time while here.

It doesn’t matter if you are a teacher, laborer, physician, CEO, parent or any and every other life role – in the end your legacy that you leave behind will not be because of what you owned, how smart or famous you were or how long you lived but simply what or how you contributed to life and or others whether friends, relatives or total strangers.

Life – such a fragile concept and oh so short when you really think about it.  The earth has been here for billions of years.  Life has been on it for millions of years and we get seventy or eighty years to live.  Scary huh?  It isn’t my intent to give you a lesson on death and how you should prepare for it or handle it but how you can live while you are still here.

Over the years I have observed many people who just existed waiting to die and I have known many people who squeeze every ounce of life out of every minute and seen how most people who live somewhere in between.  How about you – which category are you in?

I have watched people chase fame and wealth who in the end left here with many regrets.  I have known people who measured their value by their bank balance, latest vacation or shopping spree.  And I have witnessed many who believed that life was about them and only them.  Very sad when you think about it.

What do you want your legacy to be?  How do you want to be remembered – for what you had or earned, what you accomplished, what you learned or knew or some other factor?

Or, do you want to be remembered for how you helped others, loved, shared, sacrificed and encouraged those who crossed your path or you shared life with?

Tough questions?  Don’t have answers?  Have answers but not sure if they will ever be realized?  Welcome to life with all its uncertainty, unknowns and fleeting experiences.

Most people are so busy chasing something and whether they get it or not is not often the issue but just continuing the chase and for what purpose – to leave behind, what?  That my friends is the real question.

I am by no means suggesting that we shouldn’t pursue – accomplishment, achievement, success, wealth or any other life experience – what I am asking you to consider is – what is the meaning or purpose behind your search, pursuit or actions or that which is driving you forward each day? And in that search are you missing something or leaving something more valuable behind?

I can’t answer these questions for you – no one can – I am asking you to think about some of this stuff before you get to your final day or days.

Several of my heroes, and I won’t mention them, accomplished a great deal in life while they were alive but in the end left here very empty.  Why?  Was it ego, arrogance, insecurity, the need for approval or never considering what life is, means and its true and real value.

Life is short and eternity is forever. . .

As this year comes to an end and another one begins – think about it – what is the meaning of your life?

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