Thursday, February 25, 2016

Are you winning the battle against fear?

The single factor that determines a person’s success, happiness and overall satisfaction with life is their ability to manage the emotion of fear.

The inability to successfully handle fear regardless of the circumstances you face will have a negative impact on your decisions, ability, talent, success, inner peace, relationships and every other area in your life day to day.

Fear is the universal nemesis. It is the common enemy that stands between all of your potential and ability to act decisively in times of uncertainty.  It prevents you from trusting your inner guidance system and it stands between you and all of your dreams and their fulfillment. Fear is the number one cause of illness and stress and it haunts you relentlessly as you go through the situations and challenges of each day.

If it is your desire to find inner peace, happiness and enduring success you must learn how to disarm this emotion once and for all.  The critical thing to keep in mind however is that only you can conquer your fear.  Yes, you can read all of the self-help wisdom from others.  You can attend seminars and even participate in some form of counseling but in the end how you handle this emotion is up to you.  Only you can do the inner work necessary to once and for all eliminate this debilitating and relentless thought pattern from your mind.

Why do people fear so many things in life?  Is it the need for control or to be able to know the future?  Is it the simple fact that they don’t believe they are capable of handling what’s around the next corner?  Is it a belief that life should unfold as they feel it should?  Or is it simply the lack of self-belief and self-confidence that no matter what comes into their life they can handle it?  Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Ever felt afraid of what will happen tomorrow or next year?  Feeling fear today for some situation that you are uncertain about?  If yes, think about a simple truth – you are focusing on what might be in the future rather than what is happening now. 

It’s a proven fact that over 80% of the things people fear never come to pass.  So why do so many people waste all of their now moments losing the value of them to something that will most likely never be?

I for one have had my share of fears for what the future held but in retrospect I can tell you at the end of the day I often wondered why I let this debilitating emotion control my life.  On introspection I finally figured out, and it took a lot of effort, that I didn’t trust God and myself that all would turn out as I hoped or desired.

Is this arrogance, a lack of faith or some other self-imposed attitude or belief that I did not posses the ability and confidence to handle whatever came my way?

I finally decided that I could no longer let what might one day be, control what was now.  I had to surrender and accept that no matter what crossed my path was there to help me grow, mature and learn to trust myself and my Creator.

This process took time, patience and courage but in the end I won the battle against fear.  How are you doing?  Are you working on eliminating this emotional threat from your mindset or does it still from time to time get in the way of your progress, creativity, success and or happiness?

I am confident there are many ways to once and for all eliminate this deadly emotion from your consciousness but the technique I used was a simple process of displacement.  Let me explain.

Take a full glass of water and gradually pour sand into the glass.  If you continue this process of displacing the water with the sand at some point the glass will no longer have any water in it and will be full of sand.  Think of the water as fear and the sand as any other positive feeling or emotion. 

So as simple as this process might sound it does require a few actions on your part.

      1)    You have to recognize that fear is in some way causing you to lose all of the joy,
           happiness, success and inner peace in life.

2)    You have to buy some sand.

3)    You have to keep pouring the sand into the glass no matter how long it takes or how uncomfortable it might be.

4)    You have to turn off all of the outside influences that keep you locked in the fear state of mind.

I don’t care if you use affirmations, visualization, psychological anchors, prayer, meditation or some other approach.  The key is that every time you feel any form of fear you learn to stop giving your attention to it and displace it with other actions or thoughts.  So if you want to eliminate fear in your life and be all that you can be and do all that you can do.  You must eradicate fear from your mind – once and for all. So, go buy some sand.         

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