Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Momentum Factor

The Momentum Factor
Tim Connor

Whether you took Physics in high school or not I’m sure you are familiar with the concept – “A body in motion tends to stay in motion….”

We call this momentum - physics a quantity that expresses the motion of a body and its resistance to slowing down. It is equal to the product of the body's mass and velocity. I like this definition better - the power to increase or develop at an ever-growing pace – as it is the focus of this article.
There are basically two types of momentum from my perspective – forward momentum and backward momentum.  The laws that govern both are the same but the outcomes are completely different.  Let me explain.

Momentum is movement toward or away from something.  In a career, business or relationship the law applies – you are either gradually moving in the right direction (things are improving, getting better or easier) or the wrong direction (things are getting more difficult, challenging or worse).
Let’s take a brief look at momentum as it relates to – careers, business, relationships and life in general.

Careers – Careers are not stagnant – they are either getting better or worse, in other words they are moving in the right or wrong direction day by day.  If you are not learning ever day - guess what?  If you are stuck every day – guess what? If you are doing something to get better every day – guess what?  So the question is simply – which direction are you moving every day?  Do you have positive or negative momentum.

Here’s the secret (well maybe it’s not really a secret) as you keep moving in either direction it is easier to continue to keep moving in that direction.  So, if you are daily moving in the wrong direction it becomes easier each day to continue along that path. And the opposite is also true.  But here’s a key to both – just because you are moving in the right direction doesn’t mean that something couldn’t happen out of the blue that could suddenly change that movement.  And just because you are moving in the wrong direction every day doesn’t imply that you can’t do something to change that.

Regardless of the direction your momentum is taking you - stuff happens both good and bad stuff that can suddenly change everything.  The answer is to be conscious of what you are doing each day that is contributing to your direction and thus your results or outcomes.

Want to be a better salesperson, manager, leader or employee? You have to carefully analyze the repetitive steps you are taking each day and ask yourself – where are these steps (momentum) taking me?

Business – Many factors influence the momentum of a business – creativity, competition, the economy, your business model, customer behavior, your attitudes, technology, regulations, the weather and your history.  Yes, there are many others but I’m sure you get my point.  Some of these are within your control and many are not.  So, the question remains, how can you influence or control momentum when there are many factors that influence your business that are out of your control?

Here are just a few –
-Pay attention to trends (marketing, technology, economic).
-Stay relevant.
-Keep a close eye on the competition.
-Stay in touch with your customers.
-Get your ego out of the way.
-Cultivate your creativity and imagination.

For starters if you are not doing any of these guess which way your momentum is heading?  So, don’t be surprised when one day in the future you may be in serious trouble or even just a memory in a few customers’ minds.

During my career I have worked with hundreds of organizations in a variety of industries around the world and the common trait of the ones who are continually doing well regardless of their history, market or business type are the ones who keep a close eye on their direction and momentum.  They constantly evaluate products, services, policies etc. to make sure that they keep moving in the direction they want and need to - to succeed.

Relationships  - Any relationship has challenges due to people’s varied expectations, agendas, attitudes, beliefs and values.  Relationships can work for the long term if they are grounded in respect, acceptance, compassion, understanding and trust.  Each of these factors can on a daily basis be improving or getting worse.  Momentum in relationships can depend on spontaneous actions or long term behaviors but in the long run if they are to mutually work - both or all parties must pay attention to the direction of the above factors and work to improve the ones that are stable and reverse the ones that are negative or getting worse.

Life in general – Years ago, William Bridges said it in the first line of his bestselling book – Transitions “Life is difficult.”  No one wants more adversity, tribulation or uncertainty in their life.  We all desire peace, happiness and success regardless of how we define these.  If this is true, why do so many people struggle each day without these?  Is it because they don’t understand the relationship between momentum and outcomes or that they just want things better regardless of their actions, decisions or attitudes?

We all have good days and bad days but in the end how many of each we have is generally based on our life direction or momentum.  If you want to change an outcome or situation you must first take a serious look at your direction day by day.  All actions and decisions have outcomes or consequences so if you are getting more negative ones than positive I’ll wager that your direction/momentum is a significant factor.

“I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as to what direction we are moving.”
O.W. Holmes

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