Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Information Trap

The Information Trap
Tim Connor

OK, when you finish this article, do a Google search on any word or word combination and I’ll guarantee you get millions of choices of places to visit for information. (You really don’t need to do this as I’m sure you have already done it several times today).  Tell me you have time to review even ten or twenty of these!

We are becoming overwhelmed with more information on every conceivable subject than at any time in history and it’s only getting worse – yes worse.  You might think that all of this available free information is a great asset and makes life easier but I’m here to tell you if this is your view that you may want to reconsider your opinion.

Information is a wonderful thing but when does it become more than we need or could possibly ever process?

Just to be clear – it’s not information that contributes to success, happiness and every other life circumstance but wisdom.  Yes, more information can give you more choices, options and things to consider but the question remains – what do you do with all of this stuff and when all things are considered is it making life more peaceful or more stressful?

I love knowledge, I make my living sharing it, but I really don’t have time to search thousands of websites to verify, validate, and confirm etc every piece of information available before deciding what is of value and what isn’t.

Please don’t take me wrong here, I am not against technology and the information explosion, but consider how much time you steal from other areas of life (relationships, fun, health etc) while you spend hours on the internet.  I recently read that the average person spends over 80 hours a month (that’s over 20 hours a week) on the internet.

During a recent speaking engagement while gone I counted no fewer than (9 out of 10 people everywhere I looked were on some kind of technology device – well when you travel alone you have a lot of time for observation!).  I also observed several couples at lunch or dinner and in every situation both had their phone on the table next to their plates – waiting for a call or text or waiting to call or send one.  One couple didn’t say a word to each other for thirty minutes as both were on the phone the entire time.  Sad folks, really sad.

You may not be guilty of this behavior but most people are today.  They think information and especially free information is the new salvation and answer to all their life needs, dreams, goals and challenges.  Sorry, the solution is not more information, but using what you have in a more mature, effective and timely manner.

Let’s face it, sooner or later you have to accept information limitations no matter how much is available.  You can never review it all before making choices or decisions. There just isn’t enough time even if you spent 24/7/365 searching and reviewing.  You will always have missing pieces and just have to act with what you know.  The question is can you effectively filter out what you don’t need and then use what you do have with common sense and wisdom?  That my friends is the key.

“The best part of our knowledge is that which teaches us where knowledge
leaves off and ignorance begins.”
O.W. Holmes

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